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The athletic program at Liberty Christian School is designed to be an integral part of the student’s Christian school experience. Jesus Christ is to be our focus, both on and off the athletic field. We will strive to demonstrate His attitudes, actions and mind set (Phil. 2:3-5). We are to do everything as unto the Lord and not as unto men (Col. 3:23).

Our desire is to glorify God by operating a program that is academically strong, spiritually nurturing, mentally stretching, physically developing and emotionally maturing. Our teams will strive to be competitive and excellent in all their endeavors (II Tim. 4:7). We take this assignment seriously and seek God’s direction and wisdom to carefully and prayerfully develop and implement the strategy that we believe will result in and lead to a truly excellent Christian athletic experience. . . one that will show our students to be growing, "in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52).

The athletic program at Liberty Christian School is an co-curricular activity which is an extension of the overall educational program. It is being established for both the advancement of the students and the school. Participation in the after school sports program is a privilege provided for students who have demonstrated academic integrity and good conduct.

At Liberty Christian School, we believe that opportunities should be made available for students to compete in sports. We believe that the participation and commitment to excellence in sports will be two of the many lessons our students will learn. Our goal is to provide a quality sports program, while also giving students the opportunity to develop and display Christ-like attitudes and actions during competition.

We believe that "winning" is giving 100% at all times to your teammates, yourself and the Lord. We are not content with failure for the sake of good sportsmanship. We wish to instill the desire to play hard, win or lose, to win with humility and lose with dignity.

We also desire that the students at LCS learn the attitudes and character traits of Jesus Christ through the sports program. It is around His example that we pattern our philosophy. This can be manifested through competition with teammates and opponents.